Cleanliness at a hair salon is no joke. Presentation is always key, but protecting our clients from the dangers that cannot be seen is our top concern. When you visit, you deserve a great experience. It’s also expected that you’ll be made as safe as possible and we want to rise to that expectation.
Because of how much we care about your safety, we are proud to have partnered with UVC LightForce® to help keep the TRIM NuLu salon clean during the era of COVID-19.
UVC LightForce® Is Effective In Eliminating 99.9% Of Surface & Airborne Pathogens
The UVC LightForce® unit that we use in our hair salon is a mobile, self-contained germicidal cleaning device that uses proven ultraviolet emitting radiation technology to help reduce and eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens on surfaces and in the air. To learn more about UVC LightForce®, please visit:
Ready to Make the Switch to One of the Safest Salons in Louisville?
Do you like what you see? We are one of the safest hair salons in Louisville, KY. At TRIM NuLu we are upping the stakes of what it means to keep clients safe during the era of COVID-19. Book your appointment today: